Westmead Care Home – Monitoring Construction

A message is in from Sutton Council about this development….
Dear Cllr….

I held a Site Meeting with Metnor Construction’s Site Agent / Project Manager Mike Sanderson today, after first visiting the site yesterday, following receipt of your enquiry below.

Yesterday’s Site Visit established the validity of xxxx’s complaint, and I was able to convince Metnor’s Mr. Sanderson that we would not hesitate to take enforcement action against the site and its workers if he did not take steps to ensure that his site was run in compliance with the General Logistics Overview and Method Statement which they submitted to us at Planning stage.
At today’s meeting, Mr Sanderson explained the steps he had taken in the last 24 hours to control the nuisance of construction-related traffic on the neighbouring roads of Cowper Avenue, Kingsley Avenue and Byron Avenue (East).
Metnor Construction held a “Tool Box Talk” Meeting with all its sub-contractors yesterday, where 26 of the 28 sub-contractors signed to confirm their consent to comply with Instructions emailed to them by the Site’s Contracts Manager, Shaun Kent. 
Evidence from those attending the meeting suggests that many are bricklayers and plasterers. Mentor informed me today that the bricklaying and plastering operations would end this weekend, removing up to 20 sub-contractors from the site, many of whom currently seem to drive to work.As a result, it is anticipated that the on-street parking demand will be further reduced from Monday.
Metnor have also introduced a construction-related parking scheme, whereby they will henceforth issue a Metnor Parking Badge to all their staff parking on-street, to indicate how many of the vehicles parked on-street at any one time, are related to the site.

Mr Kent also emailed  xxxx yesterday, and copies of the documents referred to above are attached herewith, and I have agreed with the Site Agent that we will monitor the parking situation on a weekly basis, to ensure that it no longer deteriorate to the level observed yesterday.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance on this matter.

Don Anyiam, M.Sc., CMIHT

Principal Engineer & Management Consultant
Highways and Transport
Kingston & Sutton Shared Service
London Borough of Sutton
Denmark Road | Carshalton | Surrey SM5 2JG
Tel: 020 8770 4979020 8770 4979

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