A232 Pound Street/High Street – Railing Replacement Works
Transport for London has appointed EnterpriseMouchel to carry out works on the A232 Pound Street/High Street adjacent to Carshalton Ponds. The works will begin on Monday 23 January 2012 and, weather permitting, will be completed by mid March 2012. The works involve replacing the old heritage-style posts and railings around the ponds and resurfacing of the A232 Pound Street and part of Carshalton Road.
Railing Replacement Works
The old railings will be replaced with new identical posts and rails installed at a uniform height and set into a concrete foundation. In the event of further vehicle impacts, the new posts are designed to shear at the base helping to reduce the damage to the brick wall surrounding the ponds. Damaged sections of post and rail can then be replaced promptly resulting in less disruption to those travelling in the area.
In order to undertake the railing replacement works it will be necessary to close the westbound lane of the A232 between the junctions with The Square and West Street. Traffic will be directed to use Park Lane, Ruskin Road, Carshalton Park Road and Beynon Road but access will still be permitted to Carshalton High Street as far as The Square. Temporary traffic signals will be used to control eastbound A232 traffic and traffic exiting from North Street. The traffic management arrangement will remain in place 24 hours a day and 7 days a week until the works are completed.
Please note that it may also be necessary for TFL to completely close the A232 Pound Street/ High Street and North Street (at its junction with the A232) between the hours of 20.30 and 05.00 for 2-3 nights during the works. Temporary signs will be put out on site at the appropriate times to show the local diversions. A232 traffic will be directed to use Park Lane/ Ruskin Road/ Carshalton Park Road/ Beynon Road and North Street traffic will be directed to use Nightingale Road/ Hackbridge Road/ London Road and Manor Road North Road as a diversion.
The railing replacement works are, weather permitting, due to be completed on Friday 2 March 2012.
Carriageway Works
The A232 Pound Street and Carshalton Road are to be resurfaced between the junctions of North Street and Alma Road. The works will be undertaken at night under road closures and will follow the completion of the railing replacement works. A separate letter with details of the dates and traffic management arrangements will be sent out to local residents and traders nearer the time
TfL say that it is firmly committed to minimising disruption. We appreciate that a certain level of disruption is inevitable and they have worked closely with EnterpriseMouchel and Sutton Council in order to reduce the impact of these works on road users and local people as far as possible.
TfL apologise in advance for any inconvenience that these essential works may cause. Should you require any further information or an update during the delivery of these works please contact TfL’s Streets Customer Services department on 0845 305 1234 or via their website at www.tfl.gov.uk/contact
The above information was received from Peter Fletcher, MQT & Information Co-Ordinator | Strategic Relationship Management Centre, Surface Transport Communications, Transport for London, Zone Y7, 11th Floor, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ. Tel: 0203 054 2060 (int 82060) E-mail: peter.fletcher@tfl.gov.uk Web site: www.tfl.gov.uk
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