
The South London Waste Partnership, of which Sutton Council is part, has announced Viridor as the preferred bidder for its 25-year residual waste treatment contract.  This follows a thorough procurement process to ensure the South London Waste Partnership (comprising the London Boroughs of Croydon, Kingston, Merton and Sutton) meets its statutory landfill diversion targets and avoids hefty landfill levies and fines.

At present over 200,000 tonnes of waste from households in Croydon, Kingston, Merton and Sutton goes to landfill. Viridor’s proposal is to develop a state-of-the-art Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) at its existing landfill and recycling site in Beddington.

In order to develop a planning application for the proposed facility, Viridor will undertake a thorough consultation with stakeholders and the local community during early 2012.  Details on the consultation are being finalised and further information on how to get involved will be made available shortly.  People who wish to register an interest in being kept informed throughout the process can email beddington@viridor.co.uk 

As a Local Planning Authority, Sutton Council has a role to test the proposals when the planning application is received in a way that is absolutely separate from the Waste Partnership’s procurement process.  Once the application is submitted by Viridor to the London Borough of Sutton, the council will undertake its own engagement with the local community and other organisations such as the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority to inform its decision making process.  If you’d like to know more about this process please email Beddington@sutton.gov.uk

Updates will follow on a regular basis and you’re welcome to ask questions by emailing contact@slwp.gov.uk

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