The following has been printed in yesterday’s (2nd Feb.) edition of Sutton Guardian newspaper:
Cllr. Hamish Pollock, Chair of Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee, said: “We are committed to an outdoor memorial to the fallen soldiers of World War II. The recent theft of brass plaques from the World War I memorial shocked our community and was a stark reminder of how much residents value these monuments so, while we understand the frustration in the time taken to procure it, we need to create a memorial which is in keeping with its setting in the Carshalton Conservation Area and which will stand proud as a lasting monument to Carshalton’s fallen for decades to come.
“The last thing anyone wants is for a new memorial to be vulnerable to vandalism and, following the recent thefts, we have had to reconsider designs involving metal plaques. The memorial is too important a monument to put at risk, and we are now working with the British Legion to design a fitting memorial incorporating stone plaques to match the repaired World War I monument.”