Local residents have asked Jill, Alan and Hamish about the current planning application no. C2011/64918 at 107 Westmead Road (the former tram/trolleybus depot/Carshalton bus garage site). The following is the description of the current application:-“Demolition of existing buildings and erection of three two storey buildings with roof accommodation comprising block A:- ground floor for three retail or financial and professional service units (use Class A1/A2) and six 2-bedroomed self contained flats over, block B:- six 2-bedroomed and two 1-bedroomed self contained flats, block C:- five 3-bedroomed houses for social housing, a terrace of eleven two storey 2-bedroomed houses together with cycle and motor cycle facilities, refuse/recycling storage, new pedestrian and vehicle access, parking for 42 cars and resisting of substation”.