Cllrs. Jill Whitehead and Alan Salter recently attended a meeting with Cllr. Graham Tope, Executive Member for Leisure, Libraries, Arts and Heritage and Dick Bower, Chair of Sutton Arts Council to discuss plans for celebrating the passing of the Olympic Torch Relay through Carshalton on the afternoon of Monday 23rd July 2012.
Mr Bower is inviting local community groups in Carshalton to attend a meeting in April (details as yet are to be confirmed) to discuss how local people can take part in and contribute to a community event in Carshalton. It is suggested that this event should take apace in the Ponds area in and around the War Memorial Gardens and the shortly to be reopened Heritage Centre at Honeywood. Ideas such as community group stalls and a jazz band with other entertainment have been mooted. We understand that already Carshalton Mums, Carshalton Methodist Church and All Saints’ Church have expressed interest. Watch this space for more news.