According to the web site of Tom Brake MP, the Blue Bengal in the High Street, Carshalton has been nominated to take part in Tiffin Cup, a competition run by the Tiffin Club of MPs, to find the best South East Asian Restaurant in the country.
Local MP, Tom Brake nominated the Blue Bengal after asking local residents to name their favourite Asian restaurant on Facebook. A restaurant from every region will be shortlisted and invited to participate in the Grand Final cook-off event held in the House of Commons, which will be judged by MPs and guest celebrities, with the proceeds going to a selected charity.
The Blue Bengal made it to the Grand Final in 2010 as the representative for Greater London.
Local Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “I thoroughly agree with this nomination. My family and I have always had excellent food and service at this restaurant.”
Commenting on the nomination, Tom Brake said, “There are many great restaurants in Carshalton and Wallington but clearly the Blue Bengal is a big hit with local residents. I only hope that they can improve on the 2010 result and win the Tiffin Cup”.
‘H’ and the team at the Blue Bengal, said, “It is a great honour to be nominated for the competition. We work hard to provide great tasting food and an excellent atmosphere – I only hope the judges enjoy it as much as the locals do.”