The Gateway to Carshalton: Carter House, 229-245 Carshalton Road: Progress


View of Carter House, 229-245 Carshalton Road

This view was taken on Saturday 30th June from the high point at the bridge in Carshalton Road towards the bulky and out-of-keeping new development of 229-245 Carshalton Road now apparently christened “Carter House”, at the junction with Shorts Road. 

It has terracotta coloured cladding panels, and is upto 4 storeys in height. To us this monstrosity seems to have no proper relationship with the surrounding suburban character of the area which is predominantly brick-built two or three storey buildings.

Uisng these sorts of words, Jill, Alan and Hamish as the local councillors fought long and hard alongside local residents to ask the “powers that be” to refuse the planning permission for this development of 44 flats.  Alas, local residents and local councillors for Carshalton Central were just not listened to.

This site was incidentally called “the gateway to Carshalton” by one of the councillors who later granted this scheme planning permission!  You just can’t win every battle.

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