Local Cllr. Jill Whitehead has taken up residents’ concerns about the yellow lines in two roads, namely Kingsley Avenue and Westmead Road, both in the Carshalton Central neighbourhood.
She has asked council officers to let us know when the yellow lines in Kingsley Avenue, Sutton will be repainted, bearing in mind this work was promised way back in February 2012?
She also asked council officers also to let us know when the yellow lines will be repainted on the corners of each of the side roads off Westmead Road where the recent resurfacing took place (finished last week)?
Cllr. Alan Salter reports: “As residents will be aware, local schools will be starting the new term next week which means parents will be parking on the corner of Coleridge Avenue and Westmead Road where the yellow lines have faded away. This needs to be attended to as part of the overall works mentioned above.”