Sutton Policing Matters

There have been extensive media reports about the future of local policing following a presentation given by the Metropolitan Police to the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Some of the planned changes announced
·        Redeploying more officers to Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) with 2,000 more Police Constables; 4,600 more Specials, but 891 fewer Police Community Support Officers.
·        The 2,000 Police Constables are likely to be redeployed from other roles: 800 from investigation and 1200 from other territorial policing such as town centre and youth teams.
·        A shift in emphasis, with SNTs taking on enforcement and investigating of low level crime, led by neighbourhood Inspectors
·        Reviewing front counters – looking at reducing hours and potentially shutting 65. Possible opening of new “contact points” in other police buildings or shared with partners such as in supermarkets.
·        Selling New Scotland Yard. 

Sutton's Police Station

At this stage there are still many uncertainties. For example there are suggestions that some boroughs could be grouped together to form “Basic Command Units” (BCUs) to share back office and other functions.  It would appear that if there is a move to BCUs, each borough will still have an accountable senior police leader – they may however be of a lower rank.
Who makes the final decision?
The London Mayor, through his Office for Policing and Crime sets the budget for the Metropolitan Police Service, and also owns all police buildings. So at the moment the Police are developing proposals for local policing and changes to police stations. These proposals will then be put out for consultation by MOPAC, date as yet unknown.
Following these proposals being announced Caroline Pidgeon said:
“Liberal Democrat Assembly Members at City Hall will continue to ask questions of the London Mayor, the Deputy London Mayor for Policing and Crime and MOPAC to ensure that key concerns are raised and discussed.  In particular we will continue to push for proper consultation on any planned changes and for the continuing provision of local, accessible police bases and front counters.
“I have already asked the Mayor many questions on the issue. His latest answer is that: “no front counter will close unless an equivalent or better facility for public access has been identified.”
“We will continue to hold the London Mayor to account over this commitment to improve public access to the police.”

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