TfL would like to hear your views on plans to extend the Northern line

This is a golden opportunity for visitors and commuters to and from London to feedback on the proposals either online, by post, or face to face. Public exhibitions are to be held in areas along the proposed Northern line extension route from 15 November 2012. Transport for London are really keen to hear what Greater London residents and business have to say

Local residents and businesses are being invited to comment on proposals to extend the Northern line from Kennington to Battersea via Nine Elms. The proposed plans – which are subject to funding and permission from the Government – would include two new Tube stations at Battersea and Nine Elms. Two previous consultations have showed that there is strong support for the 3km Northern line Tube link which would help regenerate Vauxhall and Nine Elms and support up to 25,000 jobs and 16,000 new homes.

Transport benefits would include; creating Tube access for thousands of people, cutting journey times from this part of London to the West End and the City to around 15 minutes; reduced pressure on Vauxhall station and relief to the existing Northern line south of Kennington, and wider access to leisure and employment opportunities for local people. This latest consultation aims to provide more detailed information about the proposed sites for the two new stations, two permanent shafts and two temporary shafts required to build the extension.

Have your say

Local people are encouraged to come and talk to representatives from TfL at the following locations:

  • Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8 5NQ on Thursday 15 November at 15:00 to 20:00 and Friday 16 November at 8:00 to 18:00
  • Sainsbury’s, 62 Wandsworth Road, SW8 2LF on Friday 23 November at 12:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 24 November at 9:30 to 13:00
  • Gallery on the Corner, 155 Battersea Park Road, SW8 4BU on Thursday 29 November at 15:00 to 20:00
  • The Kia Oval, Executive Box 56, Kennington, SE11 5SS on Friday 7 December at 12:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 8 December at 9:30 to 13:00

In addition to these events, over 40,000 households along the route of the proposed extension will receive a detailed leaflet about the proposals.

If planning approval is obtained and a funding package is in place then construction of the Northern line extension could begin in 2015.

Go to  to provide feedback on the proposals, view and download further information about each of the sites and complete the feedback form.

The Consultation will close on 16th December 2012.

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