St Helier Services/National Health Service Update

You may have heard more about Kingston Hospital’s very “kind” offer to take over the management of the SW London Elective Orthopaedic Centre from St. Helier Hospital, Carshalton.  There are some issues with it…. we’re told that Sutton borough councillors will be questioning the health authorities about it when they get the chance to do so.

1. The offer is not “patient-focused”, it is about NHS managers playing at politics with peoples’ health.

2. Kingston Hospital (with support from Croydon and St George’s Hospitals) are trying to do this whilst the future of Epsom and St. Helier is uncertain.

3. Kingston Hospital wants the EOC (Elective Orthopaedic Centre) on their books to help their Foundation Trust application (it’s worth £30 million per annum).

4. Kingston Hospital wants the reputational benefit of the EOC.

5. Kingston, Croydon and St George’s hospitals are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut in relation to questions about how service level agreements between the EOC and Epsom Hospital are agreed and implemented.

6. NHS Managers are using Tax Payers’ money to fund what is little more than an internal hostile takeover bid.

NHS managers are accountable to no one, other than other more senior NHS Managers, which is why we think their plan really needs some rethinking!

You can read more by clicking on the link below:-

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