FROLIC in Carshalton (FRiends Of the Library In Carshalton)

Ring out the old, ring in the new

On Saturday 15th December, FROLIC (the Friends of the Library in Carshalton) held its annual Xmas mince pies fest – but with a difference. This was the last event to be held in the Old Carshalton Library before it moves to Westcroft in January 2013. Carshalton Central Ward councillor Jill Whitehead attended in her role as Chair of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, along with the Vice Chair, Cllr Lord Graham Tope. The Mayor of Sutton, Sean Brennan gave a speech on the importance of libraries to Sutton, reminiscing about visionary past Borough Librarians and looking forward to the opening of the new Library@Westcroft. Chair of FROLIC, Pam Lynes, welcomed everyone to the event including a number of local community group representatives such as Jean Raffe who is Secretary of both FROLIC and Friends of the Grove, Chris Pennington from Sutton Seniors Forum and John Thornton from the Carshalton Society. Entertainment was provided by the All Saints Church bell-ringers who played a range of Xmas carols and tunes to celebrate the season. 

Cllr. Jill Whithead and Tom Brake MP

A FROLIC Member with local Cllr. Jill Whitehead and Tom Brake, local MP

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