Snow at Carshalton Ponds a winter or two ago
Some things to do when severe winter weather is forecast…
- Monitor the weather forecast. Ensure you are stocked with food and medications in advance.
- Take the weather into account when planning your activity over the following days. Avoid exposing yourself to cold or icy outdoor conditions if you are at a higher risk of cold-related illness or falls.
- If you or someone else is likely to be restricted to one room during the winter period or during a cold spell, make sure that it can be kept at or above the recommended temperature and that you plan what resources you/they will need to keep them safe and warm.
- The minimum recommended daytime temperature for rooms occupied during the day is 21°C (70°F)
- The minimum recommended night-time temperature for bedrooms is 18°C (65°F) – no health risk, though rooms may feel cold.
- Check room temperatures – especially those rooms where disabled or vulnerable people spend most of their time.
- Discuss with friends and neighbours about clearing snow and ice from the front of your house and public walkways nearby.
- Maintain regular contact with vulnerable people and neighbours you know to be at risk in cold weather
Responding to severe winter weather
- Continue to monitor the weather forecast.
- Check and maintain daytime room temperature at 21°C.
- Check bedroom night-time temperature and maintain it at 18°C or warmer.
- If you have to go out, make sure you dress warmly and wear non-slip shoes. Also tell someone where you are going and let them know when you get back. If you have a mobile phone, keep it charged and on you at all times.
- Keep active.
- Dress warmly, eat warm food and take warm drinks regularly.
- Check on those you know are at risk.
- If you are seriously concerned about your own health or welfare or that of others, alert the emergency services.
- Clear pavements of ice or snow if you are able to do so safely and if essential. Guidance is available by clicking here.