In July 2012 CNM Estates (a developer) presented its initial plans for the redevelopment of its town centre site at Sutton Point next to the Sutton Train Station.
Since then it has twice updated the Sutton Local Committee on progress with the proposals and has received feedback from all sections of the community. Over the past six months the developer’s team have worked closely with the Council’s planning, design and transport officers, and with the GLA and TfL, to make use of all the community comments and officer advice to formulate our detailed plans. The developer’s team are apparently now very close to completing the proposals and want to show everyone what they have in mind before submitting an actual planning application.
Their second public exhibition of proposals is being held in the Sutton Holiday Inn on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week 12th and 13th February. We are told that the exhibition is open from 11am to 7:30pm on both days.
There will be representatives from all the key members of the professional team to show members of the public the scheme in detail and answer any questions on the evening of Tuesday 12th February from 6pm to 7:30pm.
There will still be some employment opportunities in serviced office space and start-up business facilities for Sutton’s entrepreneurs. The proposals will also include a 130 bed hotel; shops, restaurants and cafés along a new public plaza; 300 stunning apartments, including affordable housing; all with ample underground car parking.
The regeneration plans for Sutton Point also include space for the prospect of the tram coming to Sutton and will ensure good pedestrian and transport links with the station and the rest of the town centre. As the developer’s plans are nearing completion, they are keen to hear what local people think before they submit a planning application.