The Government announced in the recent Budget that it will consult on proposals to further relax planning controls on changes from retail use to residential. The statement comes after other plans to remove planning controls were announced earlier this year. These include controversial new permitted development rights to allow change of use from office to residential, scheduled to come into effect in May 2013.
The Department of Communities and Local Government hopes that these additional retail-to-residential flexibilities will help secure the long-term future of the high street – “making better use of empty buildings and bringing people back to live in town centres, increasing footfall and supporting shops.”
On face value, while the proposals could be beneficial in stimulating population growth in areas with a shrinking number of retail outlets, the effect could be to dilute the retail focus, essential character and vitality of some centres such as Carshalton Village, Westmead Road, Westmead Corner, Banstead Road and other local shopping areas.
It is anticipated that the proposals will hopefully include safeguards to protect key retail centres, through floorspace “thresholds” or “exclusion zones”. In many cases, due to the need for external changes (such as to remove shop front fascias, shop windows and doors etc.), it is likely that retail-to-residential conversions will continue to require planning permission.