Friends of The Grove Park Annual General Meeting and the New Carshalton Village Market

Councillors Jill Whitehead and Hamish Pollock attended the Friends of The Grove Park AGM today, Saturday, 20th April 2013 at the wonderful Water Tower, West Street. We’re a small friendly and approachable group of interested citizens keen to keep The Grove Park in as tip-top a condition as is humanly possible and subject to the funds being available! 

Hamish was re-elected as Chair of the Friends. Jill a former Chair was re-elected as committee member. If you are interested in joining the Friends do get in touch with one of us!

At the meeting, we heard from Tansy Honey from Eco-Local about plans for a new Carshalton Village Market possibly being founded on Saturday, 25th May 2013 for the very first time. The market is likely to be held on the driveway to the east side of the east pond (near the old Lloyds Bank building) subject to the usual licensing issues being sorted out.


2 thoughts on “Friends of The Grove Park Annual General Meeting and the New Carshalton Village Market

  1. A DICKENSON says:

    FAO Jean Raffe:

    can I introduce myself as a member of the Christian Peoples Alliance party who is hoping to stand in the forthcoming council elections, having already stood twice before both in 2006 and in 2010.
    A little about my party: the Christian Democratic tradition of thought, in my understanding of it, takes its bearings from Christian convictions about the person, society, political authority. We believe that under God the wellbeing of society should be judged more by the quality of human relationships than by material attainments, more by the richness of human lives than by the abundance of possessions and by the realisation of human values as expressed in scripture.
    Therefore the CPA believes in encouraging and resourcing communities to develop holistic planning for neighbourhoods and in regenerating deprived urban areas.
    I would like to know of any concerns that your association may have. If you would like to meet up, my details are as above.

    Yours sincerely,

    A Dickenson

    • Dear Ashley

      Thanks for visiting our web site which outlines the work of the three Lib Dem councillors. If you have any issues you wish us to take up as local councillors for Carshalton Central we would be grateful if you could tell us about them. Personally I am a Christian, being Christened at Cheam Parish Church and confirmed as an adult at Wallington United Reformed Church, and I feel that as a councillor I am helping the community and hopefully working to similar ends as your own.

      Kindest regards

      Hamish Pollock, Carshalton Central councillor for 16 years – so far!

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