The lengthy refurbishment of Wentworth Hall, 80 Ruskin Road, Carshalton is nearing completion, and although it appears to be occupied, there are a number of outstanding matters to be completed including the front entrance steps and landscaping. The building was in any event “opened” by the leaseholder, the Muslim Cultural Welfare Association of Sutton, recently.
A Sutton Council spokesman says: “We are continuing to monitor closely the current building works and we are working with the Muslim Cultural Welfare Association of Sutton or MCWAS as the current leasehold tenant. The MCWAS are redeveloping this building, and the council is liaising with the MCWAS to resolve various outstanding building regulations matters and discharging of some remaining planning conditions”.
The important point in the background is that there is an intention, at least as local councillors understand it, that once all building regulations matters have been resolved and all planning conditions met, then the freehold of the building will still be retained by Sutton Council.