Cllr. Jill Whitehead, Chair of the Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee says: “In order to carry out structural repairs to the underside of the bridge in West Street, Carshalton, Sutton Council intends to make a Traffic Order.”
Local Cllr. Alan Salter says: “When the structural repair works are taking place and the appropriate traffic signs are displayed the Order will temporarily close West Street, Carshalton, between its junctions with Colston Avenue and Pound Street (A232):-
between 28th May and 31st May 2013 inclusive working 08.00hrs to 17.00hrs; and on the following dates:-
- Sunday 23rd June 2013
- Sunday 30th June 2013
- Sunday 14th July 2013
- Sunday 21st July 2013
- Sunday 4th August 2013
between the hours of 00.00hrs and 04.00hrs (Saturday night and Sunday morning).”
Chair of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee, Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “Alternative routes for vehicular traffic including buses will be suitably signed. Vehicle access to properties adjacent to the prohibited lengths of road will be maintained at all times where access is reasonably practicable without interference with the works.”