Grosvenor Avenue / Park Lane scheme – Build-out and improved pedestrian refuge

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: “A message has been recently received from Sutton Council highways and transportation officer about the road safety improvement works at the junction of Grosvenor Avenue and Park Lane. These works were agreed at the April meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee.”

Dear Councillors

I am writing to inform you that our contractor RJ Dance is programmed to start construction of this scheme tomorrow and the works will last for approximately 8 to 10 days.I will be delivering letters to residents who may directly be affected by the works today, to provide a point of contact should any problems arise during construction. Should you have any queries please let me know.

Kind regards,

Martin Goble

Highways, Transport & Smarter Travel, Environment & Neighbourhoods Directorate

Tel 020 8770 4361

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