Mill Lane/Butter Hill Bridge Update

Butter Hill bridge on a sunny day...!

Butter Hill bridge on a sunny day…!

Alan, Jill and Hamish recently received the following update from the Wandle Trust about the on-going road silt trap works in Butter Hill (where there are roadworks affecting Mill Lane and Denmark Road flows of traffic and temporary traffic lights). The works are designed to improve the water quality of the River Wandle and the river environment.

Dear Councillors,

We are making great progress with the installation of the third and final silt trap. We did hit some groundwater which was a slight nuisance but the Contractors, R.J.Dance, have been doing a sterling job. The chamber itself was delivered last Friday (21st) and was all lowered into place first thing Monday. We are currently in the process of connecting up the pipework, building the monitoring chambers before the chamber will go live. It is anticipated that the road will be reinstated and fully open in the early part of next week. 
The Butter Hill/Mill Lane junction has been working very well under the three way lights, perhaps even an improvement over normal conditions.
Thank you for your interest in the project and I look forward to speaking with you in the future regarding other projects that the Wandle Trust have planned.
Kind regards,

Toby Hull Catchment Project Officer

The Wandle Trust

07810 007 107

c/o Environmental Sustainability
London Borough of Sutton
24 Denmark Road
Reg Charity No 1091000


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