Carshalton is of course a unique place. The place-name was originally called something like Alton or “Aultone” in the time of the Domesday Book of William the Conqueror, c. 1086 AD.
Unlike towns like say Sutton next door, there are no other Carshaltons scattered across the United Kingdom, apart from ours here, tucked away in suburban south-west London/north-east Surrey.
Fans of ITV’s Inspector Morse series’ spin-off “Endeavour” may have heard the name “Carshall New Town” mentioned as the place where the detective gets his early training: alas this is nothing as yet to do with Carshalton, unless of course you know differently!
So Hamish did some amateur sleuthing!
Carshall New Town is the fictional town where the future Inspector Endeavour Morse works until he is seconded to the murder enquiry in Oxford, is another literary reference in this popular TV series begun in 2011 with a pilot episode and a first full season completed earlier this year.
Carshall New Town is also the name of the fictitious town in Angus Wilson’s novel “Late Call”.