Cllr. Jill Whitehead, Chair of the Council’s Environment & Neighbourhoods Committee says: “Sutton Council is committed to ensuring local residents are able to live happy, healthy lives in a way which helps to save money and our resources. This is why Sutton Council committed to becoming a One Planet Living Borough in 2009.”
Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Being a One Planet Living Borough means that we are committed to helping residents lead lives that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. One Planet Living is our approach to helping Sutton become a fairer, greener, safer borough, for example; to help meet our targets to reduce CO2 from across the borough will require actions that help lower residents fuel bills, reduce fuel poverty and reduce cold weather related deaths. Increasing the use of sustainable transport, improving our green spaces and encouraging local food growing will help improve resident’s health.”
Why We Are Consulting
Much has changed since the publication of our first One Planet Sutton targets and action plan. A review of Sutton’s progress towards our original One Planet Living targets can be found at
To reaffirm our commitment to One Planet Living, and to ensure our targets are challenging but realistic , the council has worked with community groups and businesses from across the borough to propose a revised set of One Planet Sutton Targets.
This consultation allows residents, community groups, local businesses, and organisations to join us in the challenge of working together to set and achieve these new targets.
We welcome your views on the proposed targets which can be found in the Related Documents section.
Give Us Your Views: Online Survey
- zero carbon
- zero waste
- sustainable transport
- local and sustainable materials
- local and sustainable food
- sustainable water
- natural habitats and wildlife
- culture and heritage
- equity and fair trade
- health and happiness