Fox and Hounds Pub gets a facelift

Cllrs. Alan Salter, Jill Whitehead and Hamish Pollock took up local residents’ concerns about the state of the pub at the east end of Carshalton High Street.

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It is pleasing that since then the management are undertaking a major refurbishment. There are many pubs of course in Carshalton and we don’t want any of them to be lost in these difficult economic/trading times.

A picture below was taken by Hamish whilst out delivering FOCUS leaflets in the High Street area (and environs).

Fox and Hounds Pub, Carshalton Hgh Street in the July sunshine - the painters have moved in!

Fox and Hounds Pub, Carshalton High Street in the July sunshine – the painters have moved in!

2 thoughts on “Fox and Hounds Pub gets a facelift

  1. Gerry Sheahan says:

    Hope you can help stop the fox and hounds being turned into a solely residential site !

    • Dear Gerry

      I have written to you separately about this matter.

      Planning officers at Sutton Council have confirmed very recently that this site is being marketed by Centro at the asking price of £2.4m.

      The planning permission which was granted on 27th October 2015 has until 27th October 2018 to run. This is the normal 3 year limit/period for development.

      We would expect a conditional sale to be agreed and then a revised planning application may well be made to suit the requirements of any new owners.

      Such new owners’ requirements can only be speculation at this time.

      When any planning application is received then the usual notification process takes place of informing residents and businesses/shops nearby.

      Council officers and my own view as a councillor is that the prospective sale should be viewed as a positive step forward as it will bring a “stalled site” hopefully back to full activity.

      The planning officers’ view and my own view as ward councillor is that if a different scheme to that which has permission is put forward it also should continue to propose an active ground floor use.

      Carshalton Central ward councillors will do all they can within the available legal frameworks as set down by the UK Parliament to protect the Conservation Area of Carshalton (the oldest-established in the borough) as best as we can.

      All the best


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