Papermill Close – Rubbish problem

Cllr. Hamish Pollock once again reported the rubbish/litter that he spotted recently by the bin store at the western side of Papermill Close near to the fence by The Grove Park.  This seems to be a recurring problem. A response is now in from the officers dealing with it.

Dear Cllr Pollock

Thank you for contacting the waste service and advising us of a fly tip in Papermill close Carshalton. Our ref for this enquire is 304,093I have passed on the details to Tunde Varga at Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP) who manages this estate and who is responsible for the removal of the waste. I have asked her to contact you direct to confirm once this has been cleared.  We will monitor this location and continue to provide any additional support required by SHP to ensure a prompt resolution to this issue. Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or clarification.

Regards, Charlie   

Charles Baker, Strategic Business Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate, Street Scene Services, London Borough of Sutton. Tel:  07872510125. e mail:

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