Your local councillors have received a number of complaints in recent weeks about the footpath on the east side of Milton Avenue being closed off with the use of temporary barriers, close by the bend and junction of Milton Avenue with Westmead Road. This is due to an extensive area of render on the side of the house on the corner in Westmead Road being in a dangerous condition.
Following our request for action the council’s officers are taking enforcement measures with the owner(s) of the property concerned. A “Dangerous Structures Notice” has now been served on the owner of this property. This gives the occupier 7 days (this is the minimum length of time specified in the legislation) to comply with the notice which asks for the render to be made safe.
We are hopeful that before long the render will be properly and safely replaced and that the closed footpath will be re-opened. More in a future posting.
We have also raised an enquiry regarding the new street light not working/old light still working in Milton Avenue, at the west side of house number 23 in Shirley Avenue. Regrettably there had been an oversight by council officers in getting the electrical connection works completed at this location. They have just told us that they will arrange for the necessary work to be ordered and completed within the next three weeks.