Local councillors Alan, Hamish and Jill have received a copy of the highways officers’ recent letter (dated 22nd July 2013) to residents in Grosvenor Avenue and Park Avenue. The officers have confirmed that the letter went to residents last week and that they have not heard any response from any resident since. We have not heard from any resident since either….as yet!
To Residents of Grosvenor Avenue and Park Avenue
Dear Residents/Occupier,
Grosvenor Avenue – Proposed Traffic Islands and Flashing Speed Signs
I would like to thank all local residents for their representations, including two petitions, with respect to the proposed islands in Grosvenor Avenue. It is clear from the responses received that residents are deeply concerned about the proposed islands for various reasons.
Sutton Council officers met with the Chair of the Local Committee and your three local Ward councillors on 16 July to review the proposed measures in the light of residents’ responses. It was agreed to abandon the original proposals for traffic islands as residents have totally rejected them and it was also agreed that residents be informed of this decision at the earliest opportunity to alleviate their concerns.
They also agreed that Sutton Council officers consider alternative ideas including a 20mph speed limit in the road with speed tables at its junction with Park Lane and Glebe Road. The 20mph proposal will be tabled at the next meeting of the Local Committee on 10th September 2013, to be held at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, from 7.30pm, subject to it being feasible and acceptable to Transport for London. Local residents may wish to attend this meeting. There will be an opportunity for residents to take part and ask questions at the meeting.
Some residents have requested a public meeting to discuss the proposals. However, because of the holiday season it would be difficult to find a date before the next Local Committee meeting
Mohamad Kabash
Highways, Transport and Smarter Travel