We have heard that Greenpeace are currently running a national campaign urging supporters to contact their local councillors regarding the process of ‘fracking’ or Hydraulic Fracturing; also known as shale gas extraction (or in some places it is known as shale oil extraction).
To the best of our knowledge, no company is planning to carry out fracking in the borough of Sutton and no licences have been granted. We will continue to check with the relevant officers, just to make sure.
Personally we would have a number of serious concerns if a company wanted to either conduct tests or actually start fracking operations in the borough including over any possible water pollution, seismic disturbance and how the waste water is disposed of. As we said earlier, we know of no plans for fracking in the borough of Sutton but should a company apply in the future you may wish to visit www.sutton.gov.uk to make your views known or find out more information.
As Liberal Democrats, we want the Government to focus on renewable energy sources and we are pleased to be re-assured that this is a key Lib Dem priority nationally. We support the calls by Liberal Democrats for the Government to deliver enough renewable generation capacity to source 30 per cent of the UK’s electricity from renewables by 2020. We are also keen that we do more to encourage energy efficiency so we reduce the need to use fossil fuels like oil and gas. If you haven’t done so already, you may want to look at the Energy Saving Trust website – www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/ for useful information and tips on how to make your home more energy efficient.