Electoral Roll: Sutton canvass needs local help

ballotCouncillor Hamish Pollock says:

“Volunteers are being called upon to pound the pavements and help keep the borough’s electoral register up-to-date.  Sutton’s annual canvass will see a troop of local people knocking on doors throughout the borough to ensure that every household receives their electoral registration form.”

Canvassing will take place during the first week of October with follow-up calls in November and December.

There are more than 50 areas currently available across Sutton and people interested are being advised to make themselves known as soon as possible.

Cllr Colin Hall, Deputy Leader of the Council said: “Every year we require people to come forward and take part in a canvass of the borough. In this day-and-age when we are trying to increase local people’s interest in democracy it is important that they have all the information they need available and that the council has up-to-date records of their households.

“This is one of those services that we don’t just want local people to get involved in; we need them to. We’ve always had a good turnout in the past so hopefully this year won’t be any different.”

Pay for the role is awarded on a performance related basis and hours are flexible within a set timeframe so canvassing can be carried out alongside work or other commitments.

To apply call Electoral Services on 020 8770 4179 and for more information visit www.sutton.gov.uk and search for Temporary Electoral Registration Canvasser on the Jobs page.

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