Carter House, Denny House and Jennings House, corner of Carshalton Road and Shorts Road – Update

Carter House flats as viewed from the north in Shorts Road

Carter House flats as viewed from the north in Shorts Road

News in from Metropolitan Housing about residents concerns over management issues…this was sent to councillors prior to the meeting that is to be held on Wednesday 4th September 2013 between 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Windsor Castle Pub function Room, 358 Carshalton Road, Surrey SM5 3PT.

Dear ……

I’m sorry for the delay in replying to you on this. I’ve now looked at the case and my updates are below.


Residents’ meeting

A meeting has been arranged for the residents of Carter House. We delayed in holding this meeting as we were told that several residents were away until 02 September 2013. We have invited the local Councillors who previously attend meetings at this site.

Anti-social behaviour

A block letter was sent to all residents of Denny & Jennings House regarding the complaints made of children playing ball games in the communal garden which could potentially damage cars and allegations of kids scratching cars by riding bikes and scooters in between the cars in the car park. Following receipt of this letter a number of residents contacted our housing services officer and identified the properties the children live in. We have interviewed and warned two households of their children’s behaviour and rearranging an interview for another household.

All tenants of Denny and Jennings House are signed up to a Good Neighbourhood agreement and are being reminded of implications if this continues to be breached.

Security of the car park

It was initially reported the vehicle gate was vandalised, an urgent repair order was raised to have this repaired. The contractors who attended reported someone had used a manual override key causing the gate to remained open and not close. We have spoken to a number of residents and no one can identify who did this. The incident which involved someone attempting to steal a motorbike from the car park area was reported to the police. However, by the time the police attended the individual/s had already left the site.

The emergency button which leads from the car park and communal garden opens a gate which leads to the side main entrance door to Carter House. If an unknown person enters this area they are still unable to gain access into the block as they would need a fob. Fobs have only  been issued to the residents of Carter House.

This development was signed off by local Police, with a Secured by Design certificate issued by the police confirming no security concerns caused by the design or access arrangements.  We have also carried out a joint visit with a Fire Safety Inspecting officer from the London Fire Brigade and the set up of the fob / release button system was not a breach of fire regulations as the gate leading on to Carshalton Road would only need to be changed if is classed as a fire exit. They did say this could be changed to a snipe lock to exit instead of a code. We are investigating the feasibility of this.  


Lux calculations were carried out to ensure the development met the required light levels.  In the area in question, there is illumination from bulkhead lighting, bollard lighting, street lighting column. In addition, Carter House is a fully glazed door, with the stairwell lighting being emitted from the block. This area has been checked at night and we feel  the area is sufficiently lit. We will discuss this with the residents at the meeting.   

Please let me know if you have any questions on the content of this email.  I will be on leave until 09 September 2013, but my emails will be checked during this time.


Daniel Thurlow | Head of Housing | Housing Services (South)
We now have one customer contact number – 020 3535 3535
1 Horizon Park | Barton Road | Comberton | Cambridge | Cambridgeshire | CB23 7AF
Metropolitan |

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