Chairman Councillor Hamish Pollock says: “Do come along to our meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee on Tuesday 10th September 2013 from 7.30pm. We’ll be meeting at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton, which is quite near the shopping parades.”
The agenda items will include:
LOCAL TRAFFIC AND PARKING SCHEMES for Grosvenor Avenue Traffic Calming Measures; Environmental Improvements Programme Report, then Stanley Park Road; Park Lane/Ruskin Road Traffic Lights/Crossing; Woodmansterne Road Pedestrian crossing; Butter Hill Traffic Management proposals; Bandon Hill Primary Woodfield School Pedestrian Crossing- Stanley Park Road; Woodcote Road/Woodcote Green Traffic Management update for noting
SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: Local Councillor Jill Whitehead is to give an update on Future Plans for Sustainable Transport in Sutton.
HEALTHWATCH SUTTON: Doris Richards is to introduce the new organisation
PUBLIC HEALTH: Sue Tree, Senior Public Health Commissioning Manager to talk about new local Public Health Functions.
THE WANDLE TRUST: Tim Longstaff, Development Officer to talk about The Wandle Trust’s projects including riverside improvements by Mill Lane etc.
USE OF STANLEY PARK RECREATIONAL GROUND: To note the decision of the Environment and Neighbourhood Committee.
PUBLIC REALM: There will be an update on Public Realm Projects.
Applications for Neighbourhood Grants will also be considered.
The next meeting will be held on 19th November at the same venue with the same start time. SEE YOU THERE!