The roadworks have been completed recently at this busy junction. These road works are based on the scheme that was agreed by the council’s Carshalton Local Committee after the local residents’ consultation earlier this year.
Cllr. Hamish Pollock chair of the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee that was responsible for the scheme said: “Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and myself as your local Lib Dem councillors originally asked for this safety improvement scheme because the nearby All Saints’ Primary School off Rotherfield Road was being expanded from 35 to 60 pupils each year (from last year), and there would be many more parents with young children wanting to cross the road.”
The scheme is promoted by Transport for London (TfL) for road safety reasons. Also, TfL have put in place a new innovative type of crossing (with “countdown” crossing clocks) which they are trying out here. So far, so good!