Cllr. Alan Salter says: “As we reported earlier on 1st October, a planning application no: C2013/67895/FUL was received by Sutton Council for Oakhurst, 1 Parker Close, off Salisbury Road Carshalton SM5 3HF.”
The Proposal is for… “A change of use of care home into one 4 bedroomed, one 3 bedroomed with raised terrace area and four 2 bedroomed self contained dwellings, alterations to existing elevations involving formation of three gable roofs and erection of a part one, part two storey two bedroomed self contained dwelling with raised terrace area, all with associated car parking and refuse and cycle storage.”
Local residents who may be affected will be those living in Salisbury Road, Carshalton Park Road and Blakehall Road.
You can see the details by clicking on:-
The main issues are likely to include:- 1) Possible impact on parking in Salisbury Road; 2) Possible impact on local traffic, both people and cars on the access road; 3) Possible overlooking back gardens of Carshalton Park Road and Salisbury Road residents; 4) Concerns over the sheer scale of the proposals.
Local councillors agree with local residents who acknowledge that it would be unrealistic for this building to remain empty in perpetuity. It seems that the scale of of the proposal for many local residents is unacceptable. We will try hard to ensure that local residents’ concerns are taken into account when any decisions on this proposal are made at the Council’s Development Control Committee. The relevant meeting for this application may be the one due to be held on 20th November 2013 from 730pm in Meeting Room 1 at the Civic Offices, Sutton. More in a future posting.