Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “Sutton Council will be advertising proposals for yellow line schemes at junctions as part of the on-going Environmental Improvement Programme. We’re advised that the Notice of Proposal will be advertised in the Sutton Guardian and London Gazette and will also be displayed in the relevant roads on Thursday 14th November 2013.”
- Fairview Road, Sutton
- Croft Road, Corrib Road and Meadow Road, Sutton
- Croft Road and Ringstead Road, Sutton
- Harrow Road and Oxford Road, Carshalton
Please address any observations on this proposal to the consultation ends Thursday 5th December 2013. The officer dealing with these schemes is Denise Thompson, Technical Support Officer, Highways, Transport and Smarter Travel, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate, London Borough of Sutton, 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2JG. Her E-mail