West Street Traffic Speeding

Local councillors Jill, Alan and Hamish have asked council officers to look again into possible solutions of speeding traffic in the West Street area as there some concerns that the traffic intensity in that road has increased with the large increases in the local school population and the local population at large.  There are about 5 local schools in or near West Street!

We would also say that Sutton Council has certainly not “passed the buck” and has been active in promoting road safety in West Street for many years with its large number of schools in the vicinity.

There have been the following measures installed in West Street in the last 20 years or so in the southern section between the railway bridge and Pound Street:-
1) Traffic calming measures to encouage speed reduction down to 20 MPH, a scheme of which which was much welcomed at the time of installation by local residents, although its implementation was much delayed by objections from some residents who would have lived next to real humps (“virtual” painted humps being the only compromise solution available at the time). Many old buildings in West Street are timber framed and being close to the road, they might have been vulnerable to collapse from vibration had real humps been installed, hence the understandable objections from some residents.  Therefore we would hope that any funding authority such as TfL would wish for the council investigate the installation of other suitable measures.
2) A school crossing many years by the junior school near the junction with Sycamore Close.
3) Flashing 20MPH signs. 20 MPH signage.

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