Photos taken today by Hamish of the highwater mark being achieved at Carshalton Place. The recent heavy rainfall’s water is thankfully flowing through the canal steadily.
At Carshalton Place the water level has risen slightly in the upper section, but cannot rise much further because it can easily escape over the weir into the lower section.
The lower section water level has risen again but only up to the level of the round, raised outflow by the High Street and it is taking all the water as it should. This should be sufficient to keep the water within the banks along this section.
The Environment Agency website is the best place for advice if local residents are concerned about the possibility of flooding. It is residents’ responsibility to protect their own property, and if they think they are at risk of flooding, they should be preparing for the possibility by buying sand bags from building merchants, B&Q etc. The Council has no duty to provide sandbags and has not done so since before 2010.
The Council’s Parks Supervisor will be checking the water course again to make sure all the pipes are flowing freely. In case of a flooding emergency local residents can call the Sutton Council out of hours number 0208 770 5000 and the Emergency Planning Officer on duty can then coordinate a response.