Jill, Hamish and Alan are pleased that the Government’s planning inspector has upheld Sutton Council’s decision to refuse planning permission to develop the land at 1 Byron Gardens. The developer went to appeal and the inspector has turned it down, agreeing with the Council’s reasons for refusal.
The planning inspector said that the proposed development would significantly harm the character and appearance of the area. The development would have been contrary to Sutton Council’s planning Policies, which require good urban design that respects context and distinctive local character. The development also failed to follow Sutton Council’s Planning Guidance.
Cllr. Alan Salter said: “The planning application C2013/68158/FUL was received last September by Sutton Council to develop land at 1 Byron Gardens. It was refused by Sutton Council last November.”
Cllr. Jill Whitehead added: “The main issues were the concerns about the effect on the character and appearance of the area and the effect on the living conditions of neighbours, especially the outlook from properties on Orchard Way. The inspector said that the proposed building would be attached to the side of No.1, protruding to within 2m of the highway boundary and standing at an awkward angle relative to the carriageway.
Cllr. Hamish Pollock said: “The scheme resulted in awkward dimensions of the site, which combined with the orientation of No.1 meant that the proposed dwelling could not be satisfactorily accommodated. The proposed new building would appear as an anomaly in the “streetscene” in Byron Gardens, failing to reflect its prevailing character and appearing cramped within the site.”