Cllr. Jill Whitehead says “The planning application for London House, 42 West Street, Carshalton SM5 2PR (C2014/69012 and C2013/69013) has been revised by the applicant. This application seeks to convert existing office space to provide three two-bedroom maisonettes and three three-bedroom terraced houses. The changes involve a reduction in size and scale to a new two-storey building with roof accommodation to be built on the site of the existing car parking space at the rear to provide three two–bedroomed maisonettes together with nine car parking spaces. Jill adds: “The plans involve demolition of a building within the curtilage of a Grade 2 listed building, and alterations to the interior and exterior of the listed building. The new bungalow style stand -alone building on the rear car park site, though reduced in height, would still be close to properties in Sycamore Close, Beechwood Court and West Street Lane, and also West Lodge in West Street Lane, which was built in 1738 and is one of Carshalton’s most historic buildings. The new building would still come right up to its boundary.”
Cllr. Hamish Pollock adds: “West Street is part of the Carshalton Conservation Area, and any new development would need to respect the Grade 2 listing of the building, and protect existing amenities. The revised plans whilst improved still represent over-development and will not provide much amenity space for the residents in the new homes. As the number of units will still be largely same, this will still cause traffic problems with entrances and exits onto West Street. There is still concern over other historic features such as a 17th century boundary wall, which needs to be protected, as well as a mature tree in the car park area (which would not be retained in the new plans).”
Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Sutton Council is very keen to protect its Conservation Areas from inappropriate development. If you wish to view the plans or make comments on them, or lodge an objection, you can visit Sutton Council’s Development Control section at the Environment and Neighbourhoods Dept. at 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton SM5 2JG, tel. 020 8770 5070, or go on line at: and type in under the planning application number: C2014/69012.”