Trees provide a green and calming environment for the residents and visitors to Sutton.
Trees and woodlands are an extremely important and integral part of the urban landscape. They improve the air we breathe, and enhance community well being, while and providing provide a wide range of habitats for wildlife.
- The London Borough of Sutton has a high density of tree cover per hectare when, compared with other London boroughs..
- In total there are more than 190,000 trees in our borough. By far the largest proportion, 135,000 or about 70%, are privately owned, mostly growing in residents’ gardens.
- The London Borough of Sutton owns the rest including approximately, 21,500 street trees and with a further about 33,000 recorded trees in parks and other open spaces, although it does not include areas of woodland. There are also 2,400 trees growing in school grounds.
Urban trees have a considerable beneficial impact on those who live in towns and cities, especially those who do not have immediate access to other, more traditional types of open space.
Tree team and what they do Introducing the tree team