Monday 25th August – Bank Holiday Monday
Please put this date in your diary – come and visit Carshalton Environmental Fair for one of South London’s best days out!
Alan, Jill and Hamish will probably be there most of the day – do come and talk to us as your local councillors. We’ll be helping out (as usual) on one of the Lib Dem FOCUS Bookstalls….!
Over 150 stalls, children’s activities, local craft, interactive demonstrations, farmers’ market, music and performing arts, lots of tasty food, a bar with real ales and more, information, campaign groups and more…. showcasing local sustainability initiatives. There’s even a FREE bus to get you there! On average around 10,000 people attend. The event is organised by EcoLocal with a team of volunteers.
The Carshalton Environmental Fair is held in Carshalton Park , Ruskin Road, Carshalton, SM5 3DD – follow this link for more map link and bus details etc.
Contact details:
Twitter: @envfair
Postal address – The Environmental Fair, Ecolocal, The Old School House, Mill Lane, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2LY