Police & Crime Prevention News

Sutton Police station open day on Sunday, 7 September
The Met Police in Sutton has announced that its next Open Day is on Sunday, 7 September 2014 from 11am – 4pm. It is expected to be ‘bigger and better than ever’ with many of the favourite attractions on show and some new ones too. For the first time there will be demonstrations from dog handlers covering both pro-active, pursuit trained Alsatians as well as from the waggy tailed Spaniels, which are trained to sniff out drugs. The marine unit is also expected to be present along with police horses and displays by officers from the Territorial Support Group, which deals with demonstrations and major incidents. A crime scene is also being planned by murder squad detectives. Traffic police will be showing their latest cars and motorbikes. Whilst for history enthusiasts, the Met’s vintage vehicle fleet and uniforms from past years will also be on show. Sutton’s custody suite with its charging counter and cells will be open with more groups being shown around at the same time to reduce queues. Also on show will be the Control Room, which hosts the Sutton Council funded CCTV system – with its bank of large monitors displaying images from the 80+ cameras located around the borough. There will be many stalls including Sutton’s licensing team, volunteer police cadets and Neighbourhood Watch.
Please encourage your children to take part in our Youth Survey
Police in Sutton are asking young people for their views about how officers can help them be safer in the borough. Young people aged 11-19 who live, work or study in Sutton, are being encouraged to complete a survey. The survey asks whether there are any areas near their home or school where they feel unsafe. It also asks about their views on drugs, alcohol and anti-social behaviour and what actions they would like to see police officers take. So far police have received around 600 responses from young people. Acting Chief Inspector Safer Neighbourhoods Neil Tyre said: “Sutton is known for its good schools and we are really keen to talk to young people and hear their views in an honest, open and approachable way so we can understand what’s important to them. We really want young people to feel they are able to talk to us. We can then work with our partner organisations like Sutton Council about how we can address their issues and provide long-term solutions to make young people feel even safer in what is a low crime borough and one of the safest in London.” He added that police would appreciate the support of parents to encourage their children to complete the survey so officers can get the views of as many children as possible. The online survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Copy the following link into your browser and press the ‘enter’ key:
Windows open during the summer
Please make sure you shut your front windows when you are in your back garden during the warm summer months. Be aware that burglars see open windows as opportunities to steal from you. Call 999 immediately if you see anyone acting suspiciously near your home or vehicle.
Visit our CCTV gallery of suspects:
You can help keep Sutton safe by recognising anyone from our internet-based CCTV image gallery at: http://ow.ly/wp6ZC
If you can identify anyone or have information about anyone in the gallery, please contact the police’s non-emergency number on 101 quoting the suspect identity number assigned to each image or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. We have already identified and arrested several suspects with the help from members of the public.

Crime prevention
For advice contact the police -their contact details are above.
For Met Police crime prevention visit: http://content.met.police.uk/Site/crimeprevention
Join Neighbourhood Watch
To join Neighbourhood Watch – an organisation that seeks to reduce crime and encourage members to keep an eye out for elderly and vulnerable residents who live nearby – contact the police on the telephone number or email address above.
Stay informed
If you have any neighbours who are interested in receiving the police’s regular updates like this one please pass them their contact details. Also police in Sutton send out updates every day on twitter to inform residents about what is happening in your local area – follow them on twitter @MPSSutton

Total Policing is the Met’s commitment to be on the streets and in your communities to catch offenders, prevent crime and support victims. We are here for London, working with you to make our capital safer.

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