Iris O’keeffe meets a hedgehog.
The hedgehog quite possibly became the new favourite animal of more than 100 local children yesterday, Tuesday 17 February, as Sutton Ecology Centre held a day honouring the spiky animal.
The young centre-goers got up close and personal with hedgehogs from Riverside Animal Centre, Beddington Park, while discovering where the creatures live and what they eat on a trail.
Organised by Sutton Council’s biodiversity team, the day also saw children make hedgehog masks and clay hedgehogs.
Meanwhile, members of The People’s Trust for Endangered Species came along to talk about their project, Hedgehog Street; Sutton Nature Conservation Volunteers told visitors how to help nature on Sutton’s doorstep; and the Friends of Sutton Ecology Centre provided fun refreshments, including hedgehog-themed biscuits and cakes.
Cllr Jill Whitehead, Chair of Sutton Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, said:
“The great fun had by all children, mums, dads and carers who attended the Hedgehog Open Day again goes to show what a valuable resource our ecology centre is to residents, young and old.
“As one of London’s leafiest boroughs, it is important that we provide our children with an excellent environmental education – and I’m certain that all children who attended the day are now completely clued-up on our humble hedgehog friends.”
For more information about Sutton Ecology Centre and upcoming biodiversity events happening around the borough, go to the council website.