London Mayor finally accepts that his fare package is hitting outer London – Caroline Pidgeon reports from the GLA….

The London Mayor finally accepts that his fare package is hitting outer London

Back in November the Mayor of London announced his fare package for 2015, with the whole package of changes personally signed off by him.

However, examination of the fare package quickly revealed that hidden away in the changes were increases in off peak daily fare caps for people living in outer London that were as high as 38%.

Caroline Pidgeon was the first person to highlight these harsh increases and has repeatedly challenged the Mayor over fare changes he has freely admitted he did not understand he was personally approving!

Finally, after a lengthy campaign the Mayor has been forced to make some concessions and last Friday announced that automatic refunds will be provided to those people who incur a higher fare than the former off-peak in outer London (Zone 4 – 6) twice or more in a week.

Full details of these changes can be seen here.

Commenting on the changes Caroline said: “It’s shameful that the Mayor signed off changes to the fare structure without actually understanding what he was doing.   His incompetence has cost outer London commuters dearly, with thousands having endured double digit fare rises since January.

“It is time the Mayor held his hands up, admitted his mistake and fully reversed his withdrawal of off-peak caps.”

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