Dear Councillor,
In order to carry out the Kings Lane Railway Bridge Inspection works the London Borough of Sutton intends to make a Temporary Traffic Management Order. You can view the Public Notice of Intent, draft order and plan by visiting our web site, selecting “View our Temporary Traffic Orders and Notices” and under the reference Kings Lane – Railway Bridge Inspection T11173/S173.
Further information on the temporary restrictions which will come into operation on Monday 8 June 2015 and with the works expected to take four nights to complete can be obtained from Martin French Network Manager on (tel 020 8770 6426020 8770 6426)
Kind Regards
Lloyd Foster
Business Support Officer
Street-works and Traffic Management
London Borough of Sutton
24 Denmark Road
Telephone: +44 (020 8770 5453020 8770 5453) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm