Occasionally this web site has stories from surrounding parts of the borough.
Many residents of Carshalton Central visit or pass through Wallington Town Centre and here we have some news from hard-working local councillor Jayne McCoy….she ably represents Wallington South ward along with the current Mayor Muhammad Sadiq. There is a vacancy for the third seat formerly represented by Cllr. Colin Hall whose very sad death we reported a few weeks’ ago. The vacancy will be filled in the pending by-election.
Shotfield Zebra Crossing
The new crossing is now in place. However the white paint is already fading so local councillors will be finding out why and asking for it to be addressed.
Wallington Music Festival
Wallington is to hold its first Music Festival on Saturday 27th June. It will take place in the Library Gardens between midday and 4pm with acts largely performing in the new bandstand. There will also be stalls and other entertainment. The festivities will then move on in the evening to the Wallington Arms with more live acts, and also to The Brook in Manor Road.These latter venues have the added benefit of serving alcohol! All of the acts will be local and are from local schools, groups or just talented individuals.
The idea for the festival came from local resident Ric Adams, following on from the success of his efforts to arrange Wallington’s first festive light switch-on. Ric’s insistence is that the festival must be free. Muhammad, Steve and Jayne McCoy are actively involved in making sure the Music Festival goes ahead, as are the owners of The Brook. They are still firming up details but look out for flyers and posters about the event. Please do come along to give your support and enjoy a celebration of music at the centre of our lovely Wallington.
Methodist Church update
Planning permission was reluctantly granted for the replacement of the old Methodist Church in Beddington Gardens to be replaced with a new modern church. Details can be found on Jayne McCoy’s blog here. There is currently a new planning application in. This is an application for outline permission and purely deals with the access road which will serve both the parking for the church and the residential units planned for the rear of the site. The church intends to sell the land to developers for housing as that will fund the building of the new church. More detailed plans will need to be submitted by the developer when the land has been purchased.
Development of Wallington Public Hall site
The council has yet to decide whether it should sell the site to developers or develop it itself for housing. The decision on whether to include part of the car park in the area suitable for development has still to be made by the Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods committee. The only external interest in the site so far has been from Carew Manor school, however so far this is just tentative inquiries.
Sainsbury’s/Woodcote Road box junction
The Councillors are seeking feasibility study work to review the safety of the box junction near Sainsbury’s. They have had a number of complaints about how the junction operates for cars and there have been some accidents so they want an investigation into how it could be made safer for all.
Old BP Garage site, Stafford Road
This empty site that had the spectre of a huge drive-through McDonalds seen off thanks to local people-power now has the prospect of a more suitable development by the site owners. Talks are ongoing with the council about a potential mixed retail/housing development which sounds much more acceptable to local people. Local councillors will let the immediate neighbours know when a planning application is submitted.