Green garden waste collection service to change, free home compost bins available


Green-fingered residents are being reminded that their green garden waste collection service is changing in the next few weeks.

The council’s free green garden waste collection service comes to an end this fortnight, with last scheduled collections on Saturday 27 June.

Scheduled fortnightly collections for the new paid-for green garden waste collection service will start on Monday 29 June.

If you haven’t yet signed up for the new service or would like  more information about it, go to

If you don’t want to sign up for the new service, you are kindly asked not to put your garden waste in the brown bin as this is for non-recyclable waste only. You can dispose of your green garden waste at the Kimpton Park Way Reuse and Recycling Centre.

Alternatively, Sutton Council is giving away free home composting bins to residents, thanks to funding by the Department for Communities and Local Government after the council successfully bid for the money.

Residents can order their choice of a 220 or 330-litre bin and pay just £5 for delivery. Soil conditioner (made from the council’s garden waste collections) is also available free of charge to residents at our Kimpton Park Way centre.

Cllr Jill Whitehead, Chair of Sutton Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, said:

“We’re delighted that we can continue to provide residents with the green garden waste collection service they asked for. If you haven’t signed up already, please do so quickly so you don’t miss out.

“A great alternative is home composting your garden waste. It is fantastic for the environment, is easy to do and saves you money. It also helps your garden to bloom.”

Visit for more information on the free home composting bins, and for more information on Kimpton Parkway Reuse and Recycling Centre and recycling options in the borough

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