The Mayor of Sutton, Cllr Muhammad Sadiq, said:
“Thursday 7 July 2005 began as an ordinary day like any other, but that did not last long. Within the space of an hour during the morning rush hour 52 people lost their lives and more than 700 were injured in explosions set off by suicide bombers at four sites across central London.
“For those who lost loved ones that day, memories will be particularly painful on this tenth anniversary day. As a nation, we remember all of those who died and were injured that day, as well as their families and friends. This shocking and dreadful act of terrorism was an attempt to fan the flames of hatred and division across our nation. But it failed because instead it brought together people of all faiths and none to stand up to the evil of terrorism in all its guises and not allow themselves to be cowed by it. “I am proud to have represented the borough of Sutton at the service of commemoration at St Paul’s Cathedral as the service was an opportunity to show solidarity with the families of the bereaved and injured, and a chance to reflect on the strengths of living in a truly multicultural society and nation. I am pleased that all staff in all council offices across the borough observed the one minute’s silence too.
“The 7/7 bombing should not have happened. The recent events in Tunisia so close to the tenth anniversary remind us that we must endeavour to ensure that such atrocities never happen again.”