Sutton Council Environmental Enforcement Officers will be able to issue on the spot Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for a range of littering offences starting from Monday 11 July 2016.
The Enforcement Officers will focus on particularly busy areas such as Sutton High Street and other district centres. They will be able to issue FPNs for offences including dropping litter, fly-tipping, and failing to clean up dog mess. In 2015, Sutton Council’s cleaning teams picked up 1,267 tonnes of litter, and dealt with 1,390 separate fly-tipping incidents and 323 dog-fouling incidents. The total cost of all street cleaning services was £3,138,100. Working together we can bring these costs down, which will give us the opportunity to invest in vital frontline services for the benefit of borough residents.
Mary Morrissey, Strategic Director of Environment, Housing and Regeneration at Sutton Council, said:
“Nearly 20 per cent of Sutton residents answered ‘clean streets’ as the most important issue in making somewhere a good place to live. Our environmental enforcement officers will be highly visible as they patrol the borough to help combat litter at its source.”
The full details about the new FPNs can be found on the Sutton Council website here. Discounts are available for early payment of some Penalty Notices. The Environmental Enforcement Officers will be easy to recognise as they will be in uniform and patrol in pairs. The service will operate each day of the week, including some evenings and weekends.