A message has recently been received from Transport for London about night tube trains and night buses….
Dear Stakeholder,
Last year we consulted on a number of changes to night bus services across London, including alterations to support the introduction of Night Tube. We received 3,300 comments from members of the public and around 40 responses from stakeholders. Overall there was a high level of support for these changes.
We will implement further changes to new night bus services at the same as Night Tube commences.
Weekend only night bus changes
From 19 August 2016, Night Tube will commence on the Central and Victoria lines and we will introduce a new night bus service on routes 34, 123, 145, 158, 296, E1, W3 and W7.
New night bus services will be introduced at the same time Night Tube starts on the Jubilee and Northern lines on routes 114, 183, 307 and 319.
A new night bus service will be introduced at the same time Night Tube starts on the Piccadilly line on the route H32.
Frequency reductions on existing night bus routes
On some night bus services extra buses run on Friday and Saturday nights to meet weekend demand. On 17 out of 117 night bus routes, we forecast that some passengers will chose to use Night Tube instead; therefore it may no longer be necessary to run as many extra buses at weekends. These 17 services would generally continue to operate at their standard weekday frequency or more.
Following the consultation we have decided not to implement the proposed reductions to routes 94 and N91.
We will monitor the other 15 routes, together with others to see if there is a drop in the number of passengers after the introduction of Night Tube before implementing any reduction in services. If any further changes are proposed we will undertake some specific engagement on proposals.
For further details of the above changes, a summary of the public consultation responses to the above proposals, our responses to issues raised and changes already announced not directly related to Night Tube please visit tfl.gov.uk/buses/night-bus-review
Yours sincerely
Peter Bradley
Head of Consultation
Transport for London