Caroline Pidgeon’s London Pollution Update…. and Chris Williams’ victory in Carshalton Central is mentioned…

Cleaning up London’s air

Air pollution

With close to 10,000 Londoners dying prematurely every year we urgently need to tackle air pollution.

Sadiq Khan, as the new Mayor of London, has said some encouraging things and I have welcomed some of his initial proposals – such as bringing forward the starting date of the Ultra Low Emission Zone and introducing a new Emissions Surcharge (T-charge) on some vehicles.  However, his proposals need to go a lot further.

I have recently responded to the Mayor’s consultation stressing the need for far higher emissions standards than those currently proposed for the T-charge.  I would also like to see TfL directly procure a fleet of zero emission capable taxis and then leasing or selling them to taxi drivers. This is the only way to ensure we quickly get cleaner, cheaper-to-run taxis on our roads.

Full details of my consultation response can be seen here on the London Lib Dems website.

European vote

I was bitterly disappointed by the European Referendum result.   In particular it was a blow to London as the result so clearly did not reflect the wishes of Londoners and without question will harm London’s economy as I set out in an article I wrote for Lib Dem Voice.

Following the result London has sadly seen a rise in hate crimes and the need to stand up for the rights of EU citizens living, working and participating in our vibrant city has never been more important.

I was therefore especially pleased to join Tim Farron in visiting the Polish Social and Cultural Association in Hammersmith, which had been attacked, to highlight the vital importance of challenging racial abuse against any citizen of London.

I am also sitting on the Mayor’s group looking at devolution for London in light of Brexit and promoting London in the negotiations.

This motion passed by the London Assembly, which I seconded, might also be of interest.

Cycling Grants now available

Community groups across London can apply for up to £10,000 to fund cycling projects over a three year period.  Funding applications open on 1 August and close on 19 September 2016, with over £180,000 available in grants this year.

Transport for London (TfL) is calling all community groups and not-for-profit organisations to apply for cycling grants, which will equip them to help more people cycle.  Cycling Grants London (CGL) helps to fund cycling initiatives such as cycle training, bike maintenance courses and guided rides.  The programme is funded by TfL and managed by the environmental regeneration charity Groundwork London.

If you know any community groups who might be interested in applying for a grant please spread the word.  Full details can be seen here.


In addition to a rapid growth in party membership in London it is very encouraging to see new councillors recently elected.  Even in the by-elections where we have not been as successful, it is great to see increases in our vote share in places such as Bexley, Haringey, Islington and Lewisham.

Many congratulations to Dan Whitehead who was elected in June as the new councillor for Surrey Docks ward in Southwark and Chris Williams, who was elected for Carshalton Central ward in Sutton at the end of July.  I was pleased to help in both their campaigns.

Keep in touch

I try to tweet on a regular basis.  If you would like to follow me, my twitter handle is @CarolinePidgeon.

Finally, if you would like me to raise an issue, especially through Mayor’s Question Time, please send your suggestions to

Here are some recent Mayoral Answers that might be of interest

Air quality information and awareness in London
Cost of closure of London fire stations
Damages paid following police car pursuits

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